Snoring, fatigue, moodiness, forgetfulness, and even frequent waking throughout the night can be a bother. They can also be signs that you’re living with sleep apnea in Powell. Even after receiving a formal diagnosis, you may be thinking, “It’s not that big of a deal.” Unfortunately, you’re wrong, and it is a very big deal. By choosing to forgo treatment for your sleep condition, you are not only causing problems for the person who has to listen to you snore each night, but you’re putting your overall health at serious risk. Here are 4 potential dangers that can arise if you choose to neglect sleep apnea treatment.
(more…)4 Potential Dangers Associated with Untreated Sleep Apnea
August 13, 2021
Can Sleep Apnea Cause You to Age Faster?
July 26, 2021
While the running joke may be that having kids will cause you to age faster, the reality is that certain health conditions can cause your biological age to be higher or lower than your chronological (calendar) age if left untreated. Researchers have discovered that sleep apnea is a culprit that causes what is known as epigenetic age acceleration. To learn more about their research as well as what signs you should be looking for that might indicate a problem, read on.
(more…)Debunking 3 Sleep Apnea Myths for Good
July 12, 2021
If turning to Google for insight on sleep apnea is your go-to method of research, you’re not alone. Many patients rely on medical websites and online communities to diagnose and explain certain symptoms and diseases. While the data on these sites are not necessarily untrue, they often do not provide the full picture, which can lead to misinformation and false statements surrounding a particular health condition. If you are struggling to achieve a full night’s rest and simply want answers to your most common questions, it’s time to debunk these 3 sleep apnea myths once and for all.
(more…)How Sleep Apnea Can Negatively Impact Your Ability to Rest Throughout the Night
June 19, 2021
You may not realize it but there are different stages of sleep. While you’re likely more focused on catching the necessary rest your body needs and slipping into a dream state, each phase is essential to restoring your brain and body’s function, energy, and memory. However, when living with sleep apnea, getting a full night’s rest can sometimes be impossible. Read on to learn more about the various stages of sleep and how sleep apnea can make each phase difficult to achieve.
(more…)What Do I Need to Do to Prepare for a Sleep Test?
June 3, 2021
Are you showing symptoms that closely align with sleep apnea? If so, there’s a good chance your physician is recommending you undergo a sleep test to receive a formal diagnosis. Performed either at home or in a special laboratory, they provide medical professionals and sleep dentists with information that allows for thorough treatment and ultimately, your ability to live a better quality of life. If you’re needing an upcoming test, here are a few things you can do to prepare so your results are completely accurate.
(more…)How to Adjust to Wearing Your Oral Appliance
May 8, 2021
When learning you have sleep apnea, there is a good chance your doctor will recommend an oral appliance. This small, portable, and easy-to-use device may seem simple and far more convenient, but it might also take a bit of time getting used to having it in your mouth while sleeping. To ensure you have the most comfortable experience, learn what tips to remember that will make adjusting to your oral appliance much easier.
(more…)Discover the Different Types of Sleep Apnea
July 20, 2020
Think you may be suffering from sleep apnea in Columbus? This common disorder affects millions of people each year in the United States, but did you know there are actually three forms of sleep apnea? Knowing which one you suffer from may not be easily identifiable, but if you take the necessary steps to seek help from a professional sleep dentist, you can be on your way to understanding the cause, your symptoms, and how best to treat it. Read on to learn more about the different forms of sleep apnea and which treatment is right for you.
(more…)4 Tips to Help You Sleep and Avoid Pandemic-Related Stress
May 23, 2020
Even if you have never been sick as a result of COVID-19, this highly infectious virus is having an impact on every person around the world. From reformatting the way you work to making a face mask a part of your daily attire, this pandemic is causing stress, anxiety, and worry, all of which can result in chronic fatigue because of lack of sleep. But what can you do when there’s no definitive answer as to when the virus will no longer be a threat? A sleep dentist in Powell provides a few tips to help you start getting better sleep and worry less about a COVID-19 future.
(more…)Can Sleep Help Protect Against Heart Disease?
March 4, 2020
When you wake in the morning and feel tired or sluggish, it is likely because you did not have a restful night’s sleep. Whether interrupted by a crying baby, a dog that is having difficulty getting comfortable, or needing to go to the bathroom, this break in your sleep cycle can negatively impact your ability to function the following day. But does it only impact your functionality? Can inadequate sleep also affect one of the body’s main organs? To find out, listen to a sleep dentist who explains why ensuring adequate rest is vital to preventing heart disease.
(more…)Can Pregnancy Insomnia Result in Postpartum Anxiety?
February 25, 2020
Have you recently had a baby and are experiencing concern or nervousness? Do you remember lying awake at night while pregnant, unable to sleep? New research has come out that addresses the issue of pregnancy insomnia contributing to postpartum anxiety. Learn more about the link between these two conditions and what you can do to lessen your fears and start enjoying life as a mother.