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Can Pregnancy Insomnia Result in Postpartum Anxiety?

February 25, 2020

Filed under: Uncategorized — powelldental @ 8:21 pm
a pregnant woman lying in bed awake and holding her belly

Have you recently had a baby and are experiencing concern or nervousness? Do you remember lying awake at night while pregnant, unable to sleep? New research has come out that addresses the issue of pregnancy insomnia contributing to postpartum anxiety. Learn more about the link between these two conditions and what you can do to lessen your fears and start enjoying life as a mother.


When Tired Eyes Need Their Rest: Find Out Why We Sleep

January 11, 2020

Filed under: Uncategorized — powelldental @ 7:50 pm
a woman sleeping

Have you ever wondered, “Why do we sleep in Powell?” It’s easy to take for granted the fact that when you become fatigued, all you have to do is shut your eyes and go to sleep, but why do the body and brain do this? Is it necessary for our survival? Does it offer benefits in our ability to function each day? In order to better understand why this normal activity occurs, let a sleep practitioner offer some valuable insight on the topic.


How Secondhand Smoke May Increase a Child’s Risk for Obstructive Sleep Apnea

December 10, 2019

Filed under: Uncategorized — powelldental @ 6:40 pm
a row of cigarettes

Whether you smoke or use tobacco, you know smoking is bad for your health. You also know that secondhand smoke can be just as bad. When combined with an individual who has difficulty sleeping at night, this can be a recipe for disaster, especially in the youngest population. Smoking has serious consequences and when children are exposed to those who use tobacco, their risk for obstructive sleep apnea in Powell increases. Read on to find out how this is possible and what you can do to prevent it.


Discover Whether Your Insurance Will Cover Your Sleep Apnea Treatment or Not

November 8, 2019

Filed under: Uncategorized — powelldental @ 2:25 pm
a person on the computer with an image reading “Sleep Apnea” nearby

In most situations, sleep apnea insurance coverage is handled through medical, not dental insurance. Depending on your individual plan, it may vary as to how much your insurer will agree to pay for treatment, sleep studies, and even home sleep testing. In order to find out how much your portion of the overall cost will be, read on to learn more about how involved your insurance company will be in handling or paying for your ability to receive adequate rest.


Learn if Disrupted Circadian Rhythms Can Increase Preventable Diseases

October 10, 2019

Filed under: Uncategorized — powelldental @ 9:17 pm
a man sleeping with his mouth open

Do you struggle with weight gain? What about diabetes or another type of preventable disease? While it is easy to blame it on a variety of other issues (i.e. lifestyle habits, diet, exercise, etc.), researchers have discovered it might be tied back to circadian rhythm disruption. When the body isn’t obtaining the right amount of sleep or is experiencing interrupted sleep, this can throw off the internal clock and lead to more and more individuals living with a wide array of common health problems. Read on to find out more about this unique discovery and how it can affect you.


Discover How Lack of Sleep Can Negatively Impact Your Gut Health

September 3, 2019

Filed under: Uncategorized — powelldental @ 7:38 pm

It is truly amazing how sleep can impact your mind and body. When you have a restful night, you can wake up energized and ready for the day ahead, but when you suffer from a night of tossing and turning or an inability to get more than a few hours of decent rest, it can take its toll in more ways than one. In fact, a lack of sleep has effects on gut health and other areas of the body you may have never imagined. Take some time to read about the real impact sleep deprivation can cause and what you can do about it.


Waking Up Tired? Find Out How Interrupted Sleep Affects the Body

August 3, 2019

Filed under: Uncategorized — powelldental @ 6:22 pm

It’s the morning of your big presentation, and you feel as if you slept a grand total of 30 minutes last night. The yawns keep coming, and you’re convinced there’s not enough coffee in the world that can get you through the day. Between the baby crying, dogs barking, and the battle between “Am I cold or hot,” it’s no wonder you’re exhausted. Interrupted sleep might not sound “harmful,” but it can negatively affect more than just your performance at work or school. Read on to learn just how impactful these constant disruptions can be to your overall health.


A Sleep Dentist in Powell Explains How Rest Can Fight Off an Infection

July 2, 2019

Filed under: Uncategorized — powelldental @ 4:48 pm
a woman sleeping

When you go to the doctor for an illness, what is one of the first things they tell you to do? It is probably to go home and get some rest. There is a reason for this. Sleep does more than help you pass the time. In fact, it can help fight off an infection in your body, making it possible for you to get better, quicker. To find out how this is possible, let a sleep dentist in Powell explain the findings of a group of German researchers.


Women with Obstructive Sleep Apnea Are at a Greater Heart Health Risk

June 9, 2019

Filed under: Uncategorized — powelldental @ 11:02 pm
woman resting in bed; white sheets

Obstructive sleep apnea is a common threat for middle- to older-age men and women alike — but for women, having this condition can mean being at a greater risk of suffering heart health problems compared to their male counterparts. Keep reading to find out more about why and where you can find treatment for obstructive sleep apnea in Powell.


How Poor Sleep Quality and Quantity Affect Your Heart

April 16, 2019

Filed under: Uncategorized — powelldental @ 6:15 pm
sleeping with heart pillow

Experts recommend that adults get between seven and eight hours of sleep each night. Granted, life is busy, and sometimes you may not be able to get all the shuteye you deserve. But what if a sleep disorder, stress, or other problems routinely cause you to get less than six hours of sleep per night? What if you sleep for a long time but your sleep quality is poor? Recent research indicates that you may be at an increased risk of cardiovascular disease.

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