Sleep Apnea Services Near Columbus
Advanced Treatments For Better Sleep

At Powell Dental Sleep Solutions, Dr. Shults knows what is required to help individuals like yourself achieve better rest. As a quadruple board-certified specialist who practices sleep medicine, she uses advanced technology to determine the underlying cause of your sleep apnea in Columbus, and she offers a wide array of available treatments. Providing all-inclusive care, she and her team will walk you through every step of the process, ensuring your results leave you with the ability to sleep more soundly and breathe more freely.
If you would like to know more about the services we offer, we invite you to review the following information. If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact our office.
Snoring and Sleep Apnea

If you are one of the 25 million adults in the United States suffering from obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) and/or snore, you’ll be pleased to know that your sleep dentist near Columbus offers solutions designed to keep your airway open and eliminate the loud, persistent snoring keeping your partner awake at night! While it is possible to snore and not have sleep apnea, and vice versa, it is always best to let Dr. Shults examine your nasal passageway and airway to ensure there is no obstruction.
Oral Appliance Therapy

If you have mild to moderate sleep apnea and/or snore, oral appliance therapy is just one of the many forms of sleep apnea therapy near Columbus. Not only is it affordable and less invasive than surgical procedures, but it is also a great alternative if you are CPAP intolerant. As a board-certified sleep specialist, Dr. Shults can customize your appliance to ensure it is comfortable and effective when worn. With so many options to choose from, we will recommend the appropriate oral device for you.
Sleep Testing

Before treatment can begin for sleep apnea, you must first receive a formal diagnosis. This is accomplished by undergoing a sleep study, which involves visiting a local sleep laboratory or using a professional device at home. Apart from monitoring how many times you cease breathing throughout the night, the study allows a sleep physician to monitor your brain, ability to breathe, periods of awakening, and the amount of movement while you sleep. Based on the findings, you can begin discussing treatment methods with our team.
Pap Therapy

The most common form of sleep apnea treatment is CPAP therapy (continuous positive airway pressure). Proven to be extremely effective, many patients find great success, achieving a better night’s sleep and the ability to breathe easier. At Powell Dental Sleep Solutions, we will explain how to use the device to ensure its effectiveness. However, if necessary, Dr. Shults can recommend combining different therapies to achieve the desired results.
Inspire UAS Therapy

If you are looking for a solution that doesn’t require you to wear a mask or oral appliance while sleeping, you may be interested in Inspire UAS Therapy. This unique medical device is ideal if you are CPAP intolerant, are unable to wear an oral appliance, or achieve little-to-no success with surgery. Consisting of a remote control and implant, which is surgically implanted inside the body, the device works to minimize the effects of sleep apnea as well as decrease or eliminate snoring.
Airway Surgery

When traditional sleep apnea therapies are not effective, it may be necessary for Dr. Shults to recommend airway surgery. Teaming with the best specialists near Columbus, she will discuss your options to determine which surgical solution is right for you. Whether it is a visual endoscopy of the airway to find out which therapy is best, removal of excess tissue in the throat to widen the airway, decreasing the size of the tongue, or even widening the palate through orthodontic expansion, she will ensure you are awake of all your available options before committing to a particular solution.
TMJ Therapy

When your temporomandibular joints (those on either side of your jaw) become inflamed and make it difficult to open and close your mouth, you will begin to experience a negative impact on your ability to speak, chew, laugh, and even yawn. Fortunately, your sleep dentist in Columbus can diagnose and treat this common problem with a specialized splint and designated jaw exercises. Combining these two components will allow you to strengthen your jaw muscles and eliminate chronic pain.
Sleep Aids

When walking through your local drug store, you probably notice the endless aisle dedicated to sleep aids. While these may be effective for some, there are certain risks involved, especially if using for longer durations. At Powell Dental Sleep Solutions, we can recommend other types of sleep aids to help you get through the night. Whether it is herbal or dietary supplements, prescription medication, muscle relaxation, cognitive behavior therapy, position trainers, a nightshift repositioner, or even a tennis ball or anti-snore t-shirt, you’ll be surprised how well one or more of these options help you achieve better sleep.
Sleep Hygiene

If you think sleeping throughout the night doesn’t require changes to your daily lifestyle, think again. Eating a well-balanced, nutrient-rich diet, exercising daily, and taking better care of your teeth and gums is necessary to living a healthier life. But getting adequate sleep will also make a difference in your ability to function on a daily basis. By providing helpful tips and tricks to overcome chronic sleep issues, you will begin to notice a dramatic difference in the way you feel each day.